Deadlike Rasta
Buffalo, NY musician Brad Meglin was playing Black Sabbath covers with his band The Buffalo Soldiers in 1988, when William Lustig inexplicably got up on stage, mid-song, and asked Brad to compose music “that would make people want to kill” for his coming movie, “Relentless.”
Bryan Jackson
Bryan produces “Pod Chef,” a podcast in which he and his co-hosts re-watch “Top Chef” and discuss it episode-by-episode. He also has a new series on the app Rizzle called “Obvious Twilight Zone” with his sketch team Total Smokeshow and is a writer for Pagliacci, part of the sketch comedy collective Boogiemanja. Follow him on Twitter at @notbryanjackson.
Jamal Newman
Jamal performs with Lena Dunham and NIXON. You can follow him on Instagram and Twitter, and find him at jamalnewman.com.