Don't Forget to Smell the Sexy, Sexy Roses
One of America’s pre-eminent asexual philosopher-OB/GYNs, Dr. Bert Flapp fled the life of a Manhattan One Percenter to join Doctors Without Borders. A logistics mixup sent him instead to the Deep State where he spent six years delivering the babies of those who control the U.S. federal government. His agreement to leave included a clause in which he promised to smuggle out one baby and send it over Niagara Falls in a barrel to wipe its Deep State memories.
Greg Tindale
Greg has performed at the Upright Citizens Brigade Theaters in New York and Los Angeles, The Second City in Chicago, The Sydney Comedy Fest in Sydney, Australia, and The Bentzen Ball Comedy Fest. His improv duo White Privilege Black Power was a finalist in the Comedy Central, Yes And Laughter Lab competition. Greg’s comedic memoir, I Guarantee You Love, Fame and Legacy is available for purchase on Amazon. Follow him on Twitter and Instagram or visit his website.
Jamal Newman
Jamal performs with Lena Dunham and NIXON. You can follow him on Instagram and Twitter, and find him at jamalnewman.com.